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NFT Map QuestRare maps of your favourite places

We like maps. We know you do too.

So why not own colourful maps of your favourite places?

In Map Quest, you can navigate a map of the world, zooming in and out as you like until you find the place you want to crystallise into a token. Press mint, and that's it. You own the place now. (Not the actual place, you know...)

The watercolouring of your map will be randomised, so that's about the only thing you can't choose.
Your NFT is statistically guaranteed to be unique, thanks to the combination of your selection of place, zoom level, and the randomised watercolouring.

Join other map lovers, go mint your map now!

DisclaimerUse this website/project at your own peril and risk. The project comes with no guarantees of any kind. The code is not audited and there could be bugs. It could be exploited or simply fail. You could loose your money and not receive an nft. The nft artwork generation process could fail too. Do not keep me accountable.AcknowledgmentsThanks to OpenLayers for their map visualisation and rendering code (licence). Thanks to Stamen Design for their beautiful map tiles design (licence). Thanks to OpenStreetMap for their open maps community, data and products (licence).